Nick’s year at CoDELAB


C0DELAB. Founded by Dr. Mark Gross, the C0DELAB is a research and development workshop in the School of Architecture at Carnegie Mellon University. The lab hosts a number of future-focused activities centred around understanding and prototyping the relationship between two worlds: the physical and the virtual.

HYBRID MAKERS. Understanding and prototyping are performed by a rolling community of students at different stages of their personal development who are immersed inside a studio of tools supporting code, electronics, mechanics and form-giving. Here they explore hardware and software; new materials and new manufacturing methods; new kinds of making and new kinds of maker.

SPECULATIVE PLAY. While some of these students are following Doctorates in Computational Design, the majority of students are part of the interdisciplinary project-centred Masters in Tangible Interaction Design program (MTID).  A wider network of students is connected though university-wide elective classes. Electives have included Dr. Gross’s Making Things Interact; Nick Durrant’s TinkerLab; Ian Oakley’s Thinking with Things; and Dale Clifford’s Biologics. All are linked by a very open and opportunistic philosophical approach towards exploration and innovation by making.

The Lab has a huge community of makers and coders across the US, and spreading across Europe.


Here are more of our films about Makers
Zack Jacobson-Weaver

Zack from Gill Wildman on Vimeo.


Daiki Itoh

Daiki from Gill Wildman on Vimeo.


Meng Shi

Meng from Gill Wildman on Vimeo.


Deren Guler

Deren from Gill Wildman on Vimeo.